11 letras de Músicas de A Human And His Stds: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 11 letras de músicas de A Human And His Stds cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Beautiful People
    There once was a bumper sticker that read : Practice Random Kindness and Senseless Acts Of Beauty. It moved me more than all the bumper stickers saying 2000 Vote Bush and Cheney. It meant 10 times m...
  2. 2Heart Break Remedy
    Hey you!. Yeah You!. Are you sick of being lonely? Are you sick of being Depressed?. Are you sick of being downright heartbroken?. Then we have the perfect product just for you!. For real life, yeah y...
  3. 3Keggar
    Knock, knock, knock, on the door. Three dollars won't pay no more! Drink, drink, drink, drink some more. In my cup the tap pours. Theres people I know and people I don't, some gettin&apos...
  4. 4One Tragic Christmas
    In a nightmare before christmas a car sped through christmas town. denying the prospect that a christmas smile could become a frown. and the notion that christmas cheer could be eroded and cursed....
  5. 5Pour Me
    I wanna rock and roll, all night your Dad says, while your mother looks through Cosmo Magazine. Your sneaking out, afraid of getting reamed, meeting with some friends to cruz the party scene. Your a l...
  6. 6Punker Bob
    Punker Bob had a problem. Punker Bob did heroin. And Punker Bob had forgotten to use a clean syringe. Now Punker Bob is dying within. Bob fucked Samantha, and Samantha fucked Dave. And Dave did Sophi...
  7. 7Superman Is Dead
    Oh what a thought it would be, to stop muggars and robbers with lazer beams. oh what a sight, a sight to see, the world from above, the ocean glistening. Fighting tycoons and tyrants alike, in space,...
  8. 8Teardrops In Blood
    Well. weve all grown older and none the wiser, and weve had our fair share of Budweiser, but its the memories that hold me together, when times were simple. the times that I remember. The times campin...
  9. 9The Devil Went Down To Santa Maria
    The Devil went down to Santa Maria, he was looking for a soul to steal. Unfortunatly he ran into four punk rockers, 40z in hand, and looking for a meal. He said Listen, I'll bet you I can play...
  10. 10White Lies
    Sometimes it seems like I can't get away, from these people and their lies. Its like their too fucking afraid, to honestly live their lives. Shit-talking to the left. Shit-talking to the right....
  11. 11White Power Boy
    Hello boy. What's your name? Hello boy, whats that 88. mean? Hello boy, do you only speak german? What a. swastika? Oh I get it, your a white power boy. White. power boy, getting drunk at our s...