7 letras de Músicas de A Day Of Pigs: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 7 letras de músicas de A Day Of Pigs cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Black Cobra
    Coiled in an open lotus. Glowing like a worthless god. Scales alive with burning fire. Towering over all our lives. Rats surround his precious throne. Eating breathing never alone. This cold cold serp...
  2. 2Blood i Lust
    Life is the devil. I will hunt you down, while you're unaware, your heart and flesh and bones, curs my appetite. Following you in your house, lock the doors to keep them out, this is when the f...
  3. 3Forever My Dead
    Finding you was my glory losing. you was the end of my life then my mind. yes I know losing you I am gone gone. down this hole I will find you. in my hole black hole reeks of love. pelvic hole no one...
  4. 4How To Kill a Witch
    Spells pacts and sacrifice, confess to me or else you'll die, she is wretch weak inside, commits her soul body and mind. Why have you come here to hate all people that god has saved. torches ke...
  5. 5In The Crease
    Why am I lying, what have I done, I've got this sickness in me, its so much fun, so much fun, hold on, what have I done. This fire's brewing, the bells all ring, I need the sickness baby, I...
  6. 6Inomminate
    Right now, I have this fucking, cancer inside me, this is the reason we're falling apart. Falling inside, this is the part that, leaves me in pain fear and total despair. we have failed, of thi...
  7. 7Through Time
    Coming madness circles in ending. daylight reeks of sin bringing. darkness on blackened eyes led. by whores in disguise. bearers of children eating men. blood of warriors soil their. skin thousand yea...